By Kristy Warren
Thank you to everyone who stopped by the Laurel Health Centers tables at the Tioga County Partnership for Community Health's Children’s Health Fair this past weekend in Wellsboro, PA!
Our staff had a wonderful time meeting local families, giving away goodies, and sharing healthy tips with kids. Dr. Barry Clark and Kate Abadi, PA-C from Laurel Pediatrics outfitted children with Pro Rider bike helmets to support safe summer fun and shared information about wellness visits. Laurel Pediatrics has you covered from baby to big kids, caring for children aged newborn through 21. To make an appointment, call 570-724-7100.

Carmen Bates, RDH and Laura Brannaka, RDH from Laurel Dental talked with children about how to keep their smiles healthy and handed out toothbrushes. Laurel Dental offers comprehensive dentistry services for the whole family, including cleanings, diagnostic evaluations, imaging, fillings, crowns, cosmetic dentistry, implants, tooth / gum treatments, and preventive wellness care.
To make an appointment, call the Laurel Dental office of your choice:
Blossburg: 570-638-3468
Lawrenceville: 570-827-0145
Towanda: 570-828-3992

Please click on the hyperlinked service pages to learn more about Laurel Health's family medicine, pediatric, or dental services.
To make an appointment at one of our locations, call 1-833-LAURELHC (1-833-528-7354) and select a location from the menu or click here for a full list of Laurel Health locations and contact information.